MicroMD Electronic Medical Records
MicroMD Electronic Medical Record software helps practices and health centers eliminate unnecessary paper and improves clinical productivity. An ideal solution for small-to-medium size medical practices and/or independent practices. This EMR software is continually being updated and improved to ensure your practice’s needs are met.

Electronic Health Records
MSCI has been a Value Added Reseller and integrator of Electronic Health Records since 1997 and has been implementing MicroMD EMR since 2002. A Henry Schein Medical Systems product, MicroMD EMR has provided stable and affordable EMR software for which Medix experts can assist you with implementation, training, support and ongoing updates to the latest releases
MSCI has successfully deployed EHR solutions to healthcare organizations including but not limited to:
- Small to medium multi-specialty practices
- Population Health and Care Coordination service organizations
Features Of MicroMD Electonic Medical Records
- Simplify detailed code searches and quickly assign codes with ICD-10 functionality
- Save time with two-way patient-to-practice communications
- See all of our methods of clinical documentation
- Improve medication safety, enhance workflow, and save time with e-prescribing
- Control system access for peace of mind with security features
- See clinical data from medical devices in real-time with device connectivity
- Chronic Disease Screening and Prevention
- Immunization Management
- Seamless transition from Patient Intake to Care Coordination and Management
- A provider has the ability to enter prescription information into their device to securely transfer over to the patient’s pharmacy
- International Classification of Diseases – 10th Edition, is published by the World Health Organization. This is the first large-scale change to ICD since the late 1970’s when ICD-9 was originally published
- Legally write prescriptions for controlled substances, reduce drug abuse, drug diversion, and “doctor shopping” with MicroMD EPCS Gold
- View your patient’s most pertinent data at once with clinical dashboard
- Save pictures, clinical images and anatomical diagrams with image management and annotation
- Manage your workload on your own terms with desktop management
- Customize your EMR EHR with ease with specialty Content
- Explore a range of features and benefits with integration and interoperability
- HL7, CCR & CCD Standards Based Data Interchange – Labs, Hospitals, HIEs
- Clinical Data Analytics
- Risk Stratification based on CMS ACC standards
- Predictive Modeling
- Customized for providers to easily access and communicate with a patient using one screen.
- Integrated directly with MicroMD EMR and InterFAX for staff to receive inbound faxes securely and send faxes outbound of MicroMD EMR as well.
MicroMD Electronic Medical Records Add on Products

MedPod Virtualized Visit
An encrypted video visit used for provider to patient scheduled visits. Providing an office visit feel directly from the comfort of your home.

Dragon Medical One
Dragon Medical One is a new Cloud-Based HITRUST CSF-certified speech recognition solution that provides improved documentation, more patient engagement & improvement in efficient care across multiple solutions, platforms & devices.
- Improve documentation
- Eliminate transcription costs
- Increase physician satisfaction
- Enhance efficiency and accuracy
- Increase practice profitability
- Spend more time with patients
- Custom templates for navigation inside EHR software

- Practice Management
- EHR & Population Health Management
- DMPE Speech Recognition
MSCI is a certified Nuance Healthcare Reseller for Dragon Medical Practice Edition software, the most accurate a widely used speech recognition software in the healthcare industry.

Secure Charts Patient Portal
A fast, customizable, and secure way for staff to communicate effectively with patients. No matter if a patient is registering for a visit, updating medical history, or scheduling an appointment. Patient Portal is the place to go!
Flexible, two-way patient-to-practice communications
Medical professionals interact with their patients hundreds of times a day, whether answering questions, collecting, or sending information. These interactions can be time-consuming and costly for your practice.
The Secure Chart Patient Portal provides patients and office staff with a website containing a number of easy-to-use features that will save time for both patients and office staff, including:
- Collecting patient form data online prior to service
- Answering patient questions
- Bi-lingual (Spanish-English) e-mail confirmations
- Certified with MicroMD EMR for Complete 2014 Edition CEHRT

Customize your practice landing page
When your patient logs on to the patient portal, they will view your customized landing page. Welcome your patients, list the practice office hours, web address, and location(s), or provide directions. Regardless of what information you provide, your patients will have an “at a glance” look at your practice information.
Secure patient messaging
The patient messaging system within the Secure Chart Patient Portal helps you stay in contact with your patients, whether it is the practice sending an updated medication list to the patient or the provider requesting updated information from the patient. When new messages are received through the portal, MicroMD EMR users will receive a notification in the Portal updates section of the Desktop in MicroMD EMR to respond quickly.
Publish any document with the ability to edit prior to publishing
Secure Chart Patient Portal informs MicroMD EMR users when medical information for patients is due to be updated. Users can quickly publish documents and communications to the portal within MicroMD EMR with additional publishing options, including sending only a message with no documents attached or sending a medical information list, such as allergies. MicroMD EMR users also have the ability to not publish, if it is decided that the information does not need to be shared with the patient on the Patient Portal. Utilize the annotation tool to remove sensitive data from any document or draw attention to certain elements. In addition, MicroMD EMR users also can view a categorized list of items sent to the Secure Chart Patient Portal and check on the status of a
published item